Every time I listen to (or read) Bill Bryson’s book about the Appalachian Trail, A Walk in the Woods, I get the strange idea of walking some of it.
It isn’t really about being with nature or all the walking… or even about a challenge. I think I’m more excited about all that self sufficiency and, to a lesser extent about all that luscious camping equipment.
And although a city dweller friend of mine mentioned off-handedly that he was ‘rusticating’ and that camping with me held some appeal… I think that the Appalachian Trail would be slightly beyond the pale of his camping limits.
And just for the record, Bill Bryson when he discussed the… erm… more daunting sections of the trail and said (and I’m paraphrasing here) ‘If Daniel Boone, who wrestled bears and then dated their sisters, was afraid of (this bit of wilderness) then I should be, too’ I fall in love with this book all over again.