Packing List:Kermit 2.5 days

Ogio Metro Backpack (mine doesn't have the Firefox on it, but I wish it did)

2 short sleeved Tshirts
1 long sleeve Tshirt
yoga pants (doubles as jammies)
sleeping Tshirt
1 long sleeve heavier shirt*
Keen shoes
plane wear: jeans, long sleeve Tshirt, Eddie Bauer jacket I wore to Green Bay


Treo + cables etc
iPod Touch + cables
Belkin power strip (AC + 2 USB ports)
Solio + connecties
camera + stuff
external drive
shampoo etc
Crystal Lite mixes, snack bars, nuts
empty water bottle

I'll probably take my Acer, but I really don't feel like futzing around with all the associated angst it takes to get through security and carry all the cables… but given that it was necessary when I traveled last time as I got trapped, it might still be worth it (though the incidence of blizzard is statistically low in Kermit). Also, I have an idea for a TSA safe laptop bag (a two bottle wine carrier from BuiltNY with the center stitching removed. No zippers, no extra pockets and very viewable on security cam.)
No decision yet… however, leaning toward YES.